Levenin Refure

Balmung • Crystal Data Center • CST


Name: Levenin Refure (LEH-vuh-nin Ray-FU-ray)
Age: 25 (22nd Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon)
Race: Hyur Midlander
Origin: Ul'dah
Sexuality: Biromantic bisexual (he/him/they)
Relationship Status: Open
Occupation: Freelance medic (AST + SGE)

A sweet but awkward man, Levenin spends his existence trying to keep as quiet and out of the way as possible. If forced to be social, he remains soft-spoken and polite. He’s often prone to stuttering when nervous, which is his natural state of being about 90% of the time. Though shy to a fault and filled with more anxiety than is healthy, Levenin will spoil you with more love than you could possibly ever need if he's comfortable around you. Sometimes he can even be a bit sassy on the side.One day, he'd love to settle down on a nice little farm house somewhere, with nothing but open fields, his lover, and his garden for company... but for now Levenin travels all over the world at the behest of his eccentric Ishgardian sponsor, Madam Margaux de Roxienne. Besides the occasional brushes with foreign nobility, Lev has also fully thrown himself into studies of the sage arts at the Studium in Old Sharlayan.Lev's talents lie in botany, academics, and astromancy, and the man can usually be seen sleeping next to the pile of tomes assigned to him to learn the sage arts. He makes a pleasant cup of tea too.==========
NOTE: This is the RP version of Lev, where he is an ordinary citizen and not the Warrior of Light. RP!Lev and WoL!Lev are alternate versions of one another, so this carrd deals more with the former!


Astromancy and Teaching: Levenin doesn't consider himself anywhere near a master of astromancy, but is still a capable healer for hire. He's not too bad at star reading and tarot either. He's recently been tossing around the idea of perhaps being an astrologian tutor... and perhaps playing the role of student again as he seeks to learn about the Sharlayan art of somanoutics.

Travel: Lev used to essentially live on the road before settling down in Ishgard. However, a man needs to make gil and would be more than happy to expand his horizons! Anything that makes an interesting report is more than good enough for him. Pro tip: he speaks fluent Hingan and would make a great companion in the Far East! More daringly, he's sought passage to Old Sharlayan to partake of their knowledge... and perhaps bit off more than he can chew.

Work: Does your character have a job for him? Healing? Fortune telling? Pretending he’s your boyfriend so your family will stop asking you when you’re going to settle down? Lev can be convinced into doing damn near anything, so long as the money is worth it. Shenanigans or not, he has little spine and an overwhelming need to please.

Reconstruction: Levenin has become somewhat attached to Ishgard during his stay-- so much so that he's involved in the rebuilding of the Firmament. His main concerns are securing funding for various projects on behalf of House Roxienne. However, he has a few ideas of his own to toss around for improving the district for the low born. In addition, Lev is currently also involved in efforts to rebuild Radz-at-Han and Thavnair in general after the events of the Final Days.

Hooks aren't limited to these!

About the Mun

HEYO! I’m Nams!31 years old - CST - Crystal DC - she/herI'm into casual RP and am interested in character design and development! I also draw a ton and am slowly branching out into physical merchandise. However, art is ultimately a hobby!I live in the Central Time Zone, leaving early to late evening as the best time for RP. I have weekends free, save for patches when I go full ham on content. I prefer paragraph style-- both in game and on Discord.Will RP: shenanigans, slice of life, long term plot, mature themes (no gore or noncon), adventuring, romanceLooking for: story/plot stuff, travel, friendships and other long term IC relationships, just plain fun!You can find me at:Twitter: @nama_llama
Tumblr: naaaaams (art archive)
Bluesky: naaaams
Alt: Kiran Mahajan carrd
My Discord name is available through DM-- just send me a message through one of my socials and I'd be glad to hear from you!